




Link Portals

Tsunami Educational

Tsunami Prediction & Assessment

Tsunamis1980 To Present

Historical Tsunamis

Pacific & Indian Ocean Tsunamis

Volcanic Tsunamis


Historical Tsunami Data Base - Catalogs

Tsunami Bibliographies

Tsunami Book Reviews

Tsunami Warning Systems



Earthquake Prediction

Recent & Historical Earthquakes


Earthquake Reports

China Earthquake May 12, 2008

Recent Disasters


Texas Hurricanes - 1949 at Freeport and Galveston

Myanmar Cyclone "Nargis"


Historical Hurricanes - Storm Surge Prediction


Tornadoes - Overview - Modeling and Forecasting




Climate Change

Natural & Man-Made Disasters

Assessment of Risks

Prepardness & Mitigation

Ocean Governance & Sustainability






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International Journal of Tsunami Society

Recent and Current Issues (2005 - 2009)

All Past Issues
from 1982 - archived by volume, title and names of authors



Dr. George Pararas-Carayannis

Bio Summary


Recent Publications

Recent Books

Consulting Services


Now available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other major bookstores.




National Science Teachers Association

Los Angeles Times Award




Website Navigation Guide

Welcome to my website. My name is George Pararas-Carayannis. The Disaster Pages provide a wealth of educational and scientific information regarding recent and historical, global and regional destructive tsunamis, devastating earthquakes, deadly volcanic eruptions (like Krakatoa), killer hurricanes and hurricane surges and man-made disasters. To complete these comprehensive Disaster Pages, the additional major categories of Climate Change, Ocean Governance, Ocean Sustainability, and Disaster Archaeology have been added. To facilitate review and searches of certain topics, included on the left top corner of each page, is a Navigation Guide that links to a General Site Map with specific portals to numerous other of my pages. Furthermore, new material is continuously added as well as formatting improvements to the older pages to make them more user-friendly. I have tried to separate the informational and educational sections of this website from the more technical, scientific reports. This website has been prepared for public information, as a community service, and in support of other Internet sites dealing with the same subjects.

I have no institutional sponsor and I am solely responsible for the accuracy of the contents of this website. For your information, for about 35 years, I was involved with Tsunami Research at the Hawaii Institute of Geophysics of the University of Hawaii and with scientific organizations of the U. S. Government and also served as Director of the World Data Center A-Tsunami, as Director of the International Tsunami Information Center (ITIC) (under the auspices of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO and as Tsunami Advisor for the State of Hawaii's Civil Defense.

As Oceanographer of the U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, New York District, I conducted multidisciplinary environmental studies of the effects of ocean dumping in the New York Bight, using deep diving submersibles and surface vessels. As Oceanographer of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Coastal Engineering Research Center (CERC) in Washington D.C., I assisted as consultant the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on nuclear plant sitting, on evaluation of hurricanes and hurricane surge effects on nuclear power plants, on reviews of Environmental impact statements, on the development and application of mathematical models and on other varied assignments. As member of the American Nuclear Society, I co-authored the Society’s National Environmental Standards for Nuclear Power Plants, safety, and sitting, and participated at hearings of the President's Council on Environmental Quality. As Chief Scientist and Consultant to UNDP (United Nations Development Program) on South America, Southwest Pacific and Southeast Asia Missions, I helped develop regional plans for disaster mitigation, the establishment of Regional Tsunami Warning Systems and prepared master plans for the development and implementation of warning systems, as well as proposals for U.N. funding. As consultant to UNESCO and as member of a Special Committee, I helped develop and prepare a program of implementation for the Secretary General of the United Nations on the International Decade for Natural Disaster Mitigation (IDNDR). As Consultant to the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission / Marine Sciences Section of UNESCO and UNDRO (United Nations Disaster Relief Organization), in Geneva, I assisted in establishing special training programs in developing countries in South America and other countries bordering the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

Additionally, I served as consultant to other United Nations scientific organizations, several international governmental and non-governmental organizations and to private industry (see brief bio-summary & writings and publications.). I was co-founder and officer of two scientific organizations: The Tsunami Society and the International Hazards Society. I am presently President of the Tsunami Society International and serve as Editor of its International Journal "SCIENCE OF TSUNAMI HAZARDS".

Website Navigation Guide

7th International Tsunami Symposium of Tsunami Society International
12 -15 SEPTEMBER 2016 ( ISPRA 2016, near Milan, ITALY), with optional field trip to the facilities of the European
Emergency Response Co-ordination Centre (ERCC) in Brussels, Belgium

7th International Tsunami Symposium


In addition to these Disaster Pages I maintain a mirror Earthquake Page and another web page with some of my MISCELLANEOUS, NON-TECHNICAL WRITINGS (published or unpublished articles, essays, short stories and poems - some of the latter featured also in the International Poetry Hall of Fame, The National Library of Poetry, in the "Greek Letters", and in Miscellaneous Anthologies).

My book, entitled "THE BIG ONE - The Next Great California Earthquake" is available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other major bookstores. For a signed First Edition, or a full color electronic version in CD-ROM, contact directly Aston Forbes Publishing. All about the book and to preview chapter contents CLICK HERE. Please also check the Navigation Guide for my ebooks.



 For Consulting Services, Speaking Engangements, Disaster Risk Asseessments, Short Courses or Disaster Training Workshops, please contact me by email.

Tsunami ... Earthquakes .. Seismotectonics .. Hurricanes ... Volcanic Eruptions..Tornadoes..Natural Disasters. Disaster Archaeology. Climate Change . Ocean Governance

Announcements .. Completed Events .. Special Bulletins: Recent Disasters .. Books & Book Reviews .. Tsunami Society

Dr. George Pararas-Carayannis:. Bio Summary .. Publications .. Recent Publications .. Recent Books .. Miscellaneous Writings ..

Website Navigation Guide

© Copyright 1960-2022 George Pararas-Carayannis / all rights reserved

Information on this site is for viewing and personal information only. Any unauthorized use or reproduction of material from this site without written permission is prohibited. Material included at the website links above is for informative and educational purposes and for disaster preparedness only. Any predictions of earthquakes, destructive tsunamis, or any other natural disasters presented in these pages are based primarily on statistical determinations of the historical recurrence frequencies of such events. Such historical/statistical approaches are used only for long-term predictions. There is no intent by the author to predict or forecast any type of natural disaster or to frighten peopl


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